Addiction can change your whole life, but there are many ways to get the help you need...
If left untreated, worsening health, legal issues, loss of relationships and jobs are outcomes often seen in addiction. Many of our staff are specially-trained in drug and alcohol addictions. See our staff page to see who may be a good fit for you.
We offer a wide variety of services to help you get back to a healthy lifestyle:
Learning coping skills
Identifying appropriate resources
Developing alternative behaviors
Building a safety plan
Drug testing
Alcohol and Drug Assessments
We also offer several groups to fit your needs:​
Intensive Outpatient​
First-Step Recovery
Relapse Prevention
Please call to see what availability and groups are currently offered.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What if I am court-ordered to attend therapy?
We often work with other clinics, parole officers, and service providers and are happy to help you navigate through this process.
I am still using; will that affect my treatment?
Addiction can be a lifelong process. Our staff collaborate with you to find the treatment that works with you.